why I cannot check the malicious address
how to get GoPlus Labs API Base URL
USDC was tagged BlacklistDoubt and PhishingActivities ?
Address: 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48
Enhancing GoPlus's Security API with Predictive Fraud Detection
Dear GoPlus Team,
GoPlus lag time in determining phishing fraud
I am a researcher, and I am very interested in GoPlus. I am committed to studying how to better detect phishing fraud. I would like to know how GoPlus determines fraudulent nodes. Currently, I suspect there are mainly two methods: first, your collaboration with monitoring institutions to identify suspicious addresses; second, marking them based on user reports. I want to know how long it typically takes from the emergence of phishing fraud to when you assign a label, and what the lag time for this labeling is—are there any specific standards? Could you explain the pattern of label issuance, sampling frequency, range of data collection, and the mechanisms involved? I would greatly appreciate your response. I hope to contribute to GoPlus and blockchain security issues.
Api integration
I can integrate these apis from the front-end using the next js. Do we need to get api for this
AKITO on-chain lockers
hi, we develop on-chain non-fee lockers with gas optimized algorithms to make lockers useful and cheaper
Api returns code 1 OK, but no results!
It's been about two days that Security API returns this for almost all my calls
LP Holders - Amount Figure
Getting 2022 code error on base chain id ("The main chain is not supported")
Need help with the Token Security API. Im getting 2022 code error on base chain.