Response Detail

Basic Info

Input DatainputThe input data of the transaction, usually the transaction's instructions or data.
Message SendersenderThe address of the transaction initiator.
Error MessageerrorError message. If no error occurs, it would return "null".
Transaction LogslogsLogs generated during the transaction execution, including program calls and instruction executions.
"logs": [ "Program ComputeBudget111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]", "Program ComputeBudget111111111111111111111111111111 success", "Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]", "Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 success" ]
Slot Heightslot_heightThe slot height at which the transaction simulation occurred.
transaction feetransaction_feeThe fee associated with this transaction, usually expressed in the smallest unit (lamports).

Asset Changes

Changes of Solanasol_changesChanges in Solana (SOL) tokens.
(1)address: The address involved in the transaction.
(2)from_address: Whether the address is the sender (1 for yes, 0 for no).
(3)risky_address: Whether the address is flagged as risky (1 for yes, 0 for no).
(4)pre_lamports: The SOL balance of the address before the transaction (in lamports).
(5)post_lamports: The SOL balance of the address after the transaction (in lamports).
(6)lamport_changes: The change in SOL balance of the address during the transaction (in lamports).
"sol_changes": [ { "address": "GBKvC4XwX5i1QQcxygVHkFhvbGuGVqoj3uqTrpNQVZdB", "post_lamports": "890880", "lamport_changes": "-1005288904", "risky_address": 0, "from_address": 1, "pre_lamports": "1006179784" }, { "address": "6qFr7ja26pD8XSc5HTD8xUi33rhGWi5y9J4644ixxSrs", "post_lamports": "1012149559", "lamport_changes": "1005273904", "risky_address": 0, "from_address": 0, "pre_lamports": "6875655" } ],
Changes of Tokenstoken_changesChanges in other non-native tokens.
(1)symbol: The symbol of the token.
(2)mint: The mint address of the token.
(3)decimals: The number of decimals of the token.
(4)name: The name of the token.
(5)change_detail: Detailed information on token balance changes.
(6)address: The token account address involved in the transaction.
(7)owner: The owner address of the token account.
(8)from_address: Whether the address is the sender (1 for yes, 0 for no).
(9)risky_address: Whether the address is flagged as risky (1 for yes, 0 for no).
(10)pre_amount: The token balance of the address before the transaction.
(11)post_amount: The token balance of the address after the transaction.
(12)amount_changes: The change in token balance of the address during the transaction.
"token_changes": [ { "symbol": "USDT", "mint": "Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB", "decimals": 6, "name": "USDT", "change_detail": [ { "address": "4xUzkVddrrAmU5Pr3wYj65Ntot9Vn6oYvmHaEdkHGNgY", "owner": "GBKvC4XwX5i1QQcxygVHkFhvbGuGVqoj3uqTrpNQVZdB", "post_amount": "0", "amount_changes": "-29900000", "risky_address": 0, "from_address": 1, "pre_amount": "29900000" }, { "address": "3LsCkrbAddxRUCfRqnuai1Q1ff8Xbxkr9UCKXDMuWrGS", "owner": "6qFr7ja26pD8XSc5HTD8xUi33rhGWi5y9J4644ixxSrs", "post_amount": "29900000", "amount_changes": "29900000", "risky_address": 0, "from_address": 0, "pre_amount": "0" } ] } ],
Changes of NFTsnft_changes Changes in NFTs.
(1)symbol: The symbol of the token.
(2)mint: The mint address of the token.
(3)decimals: The number of decimals of the token.
(4)name: The name of the token.
(5)change_detail: Detailed information on token balance changes.
(6)address: The token account address involved in the transaction.
(7)owner: The owner address of the token account.
(8)from_address: Whether the address is the sender (1 for yes, 0 for no).
(9)risky_address: Whether the address is flagged as risky (1 for yes, 0 for no).
(10)pre_amount: The token balance of the address before the transaction.
(11)post_amount: The token balance of the address after the transaction.
(12)amount_changes: The change in token balance of the address during the transaction.
"nft_changes": [ { "symbol": "ZILLA", "mint": "DVTofLMYGvSnSb4vTMgaJGdpehq59E2haRiszw9jPenE", "decimals": 0, "name": "Metazilla #878", "change_detail": [ { "address": "4a5NzrcQx2Nsh69dPWY2RypBbbDmYNpLwAqDNtYtmChE", "owner": "GBKvC4XwX5i1QQcxygVHkFhvbGuGVqoj3uqTrpNQVZdB", "post_amount": "0", "amount_changes": "-1", "risky_address": 0, "from_address": 1, "pre_amount": "1" }, { "address": "AcrtMih2akz4xJ4CRZAfojvkqRVaPJNhoJJZN1PgzsAA", "owner": "HMsKZrDKsEKoix8WeWeuKh7yXzHN42uXCdsVDuechAty", "post_amount": "1", "amount_changes": "1", "risky_address": 0, "from_address": 0, "pre_amount": "0" } ] },

Ownership Changes

Detailed information on asset ownership changes.

Assets SymbolsymbolThe symbol of the asset.
Assets Mint AddressmintThe mint address of the asset.
Assets DecimalsdecimalsThe number of decimals of the asset.
Assets NamenameThe name of the asset.
Pre Ownerpre_ownerThe address of the owner before the transaction.
Post Ownerpost_ownerThe address of the owner after the transaction.
Owner Changedowner_changedIndicates whether the owner has changed (0 for no, 1 for yes).
Risky New Ownerrisky_post_ownerIndicates whether the new owner is flagged as risky (1 for yes, 0 for no).

Allowance Upgrades

Changes in token allowances.

Assets SymbolsymbolThe symbol of the asset.
Assets Mint AddressmintThe mint address of the asset.
Assets DecimalsdecimalsThe number of decimals of the asset.
Assets NamenameThe name of the asset.
Newest Allowancenew_allowancesThe newest assets allowances.
(1)owner: The address of the token owner.
(2)spender: The address of token spender.
(3)pre_amount: The allowance amount before the transaction.
(4)post_amount: The allowance amount after the transaction.
(5)allowance_change: The amount of allowance change.
(6)risky_spender: The token account address involved in the transaction.
"allowance_upgrades": [ { "symbol": "USDT", "mint": "Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB", "decimals": 6, "name": "USDT", "new_allowances": [ { "owner": "GBKvC4XwX5i1QQcxygVHkFhvbGuGVqoj3uqTrpNQVZdB", "spender": "HMsKZrDKsEKoix8WeWeuKh7yXzHN42uXCdsVDuechAty", "pre_amount": "0", "post_amount": "50000000", "allowance_change": "50000000", "risky_spender": 1, } ] } ]

Risk Info

Risky Transactionrisky_txnndicates whether the transaction has potential risks. 1 indicates there is a risk, 0 indicates no risk. Other values may be used in the future to indicate different types of risks.
Risk Typerisk_typeA list of risk types, with each integer representing a specific type of risk.
"1" for "Transfer more than 90% of SOL."
"2" for "Transfer more than 90% of a specific token."
"3" for "Transfer multiple assets at once."
"4" for "Ownership of an asset is transferred to a new address."
"5" for "Ownerships of multiple assets are transferred to a new address."
"6" for "Ownership of an asset is transferred to a malicious address."
"7" for "Ownerships of multiple assets are transferred to a malicious address."
"8" for "Approve allowances for assets."
"9" for "Transaction contains too many instructions."
Risk Detailrisk_detail Detailed information about the transaction's risk. When risky_txn is 1, this field provides specific risk warnings.