Response Detail

Basic Info

MetadatametadataContains the metadata information of the token.
(1)description: Description of the token.
(2)name: Name of the token.
(3)symbol: Symbol of the token.
(4)uri: URI pointing to related token information.
Total Supplytotal_supplyTotal supply of the token.
Default Account Statedefault_account_stateThe default state of newly created accounts. "0" for Uninitialized, "1" for Initialized, "2" for Frozen.Uninitialized (0): The token is newly created and not ready for use. It cannot perform any token operations and typically needs to be initialized to become active.
Initialized (1): The token is fully ready for use and can engage in normal token transactions. Most token operations require the account to be in this state.
Frozen (2): All the account that created whe the token is "frozen" would be locked and prohibited from performing any token transactions or operations, usually for security or compliance reasons, until it is manually unfrozen.
Nontransferablenon_transferableIndicates whether the token is non-transferable, "1" means non-transferable, "0" means transferable
Creatorscreator Contains information about the token creators.
(1)address: Address of the creator.
(2)malicious_address: Indicates whether the address is malicious, "1" means yes.
Transfer Feetransfer_feeConfiguration information for transfer fees.
(1)current_fee_rate: Currently effective transfer fee rate.
fee_rate: Fee rate (expressed as a part per ten thousand, e.g., 200 means 2%).
maximum_fee: Maximum fee amount for a single transaction. Unit is lamports.
(2)scheduled_fee_rate: Scheduled changes to transfer fee rates.
fee_rate: Fee rate (expressed as a part per ten thousand, e.g., 200 means 2%).
epoch: The epoch at which the fee rate will take effect.
maximum_fee: Maximum fee amount for a single transaction. Unit is lamports.
"Scheduled Fee" would take effect and turn into "Current Fee" when the epoch is reached.
Transfer Hooktransfer_hookIf there is any external hook in the token programme.
(1)address: Address of the hook.
(2)malicious_address: Indicates whether the address is malicious, "1" means yes.
Hook may block user from trading
HoldersholdersList of top 10 addresses holding the token and their balances.
(1)token_account: Address of the holder.
(2)tag: Tag information of the holder.
(3)balance: Amount of tokens held.
(4)percent: Percentage of total supply held.
(5)is_locked: If the holder is lokcer. If value is 1 it means token of the holder has been locked.
(6)locked_detail is an array, that describes the lock position info of this holder, and only shows when "locked": 1. This Array may contain multiple objects for multiple locking info. In every object, "amount" describes the number of tokens locked, "end_time" describes when the token will be unlocked, and "opt_time" describes when the token was locked.
Trusted Tokentrusted_tokenIf the token is a famous and trustworthy one. "1" means yes.This field is intended to identify well-known and reputable tokens. Trusted tokens with special functions (such as the mintable function in USDC) are generally not considered risk items. Please note that a value other than “1” does not indicate that the token is untrustworthy. We recommend properly evaluating and handling tokens with values other than “1” to avoid unnecessary disputes.

Token Functions and Risks

Metadata Mutablemetadata_mutableWhether the metadata is mutable.
(1)status: Status indicator, where "1" means the funtcion is available.
(2)metadata_upgrade_authority: Information on metadata upgrade authority.
address: Address with upgrade authority.
malicious_address: Indicates whether the address is malicious, "1" means yes.
MintablemintableWhether the token is mintable.
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.
(1)status: Status indicator, where "1" means the funtcion is available.
(2)authority: Information on metadata upgrade authority.
address: Address with upgrade authority.
malicious_address: Indicates whether the address is malicious, "1" means yes.
FreezablefreezableWhether the developer can block any other users from trading.
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.
ClosableclosableWhether the developer can close the token programme at any time. If the programme is closed, all the assets would be eliminated.
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.
Transfer Fee Upgradabletransfer_fee_upgradableWhether the transfer fee of the token can be upgraded
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.
Default Account State Upgradabledefault_account_state_upgradablewhether the default account state can be upgradable.
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.
Balance Mutablebalance_mutable_authorityWhether the developer can temper with users token balance.
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.
Hook Upgradabletransfer_hook_upgradableWhether the transfer hook is upgradable.
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.

Dex Info

Dex NamedexnameName of the DEX.
Dex TypetypeType of the DEX, could be "standard" or "concentrated".
Liquidity IDidAddress of the liquidity pool.
TVLtvlTotal value locked (TVL) in the liquidity pool.
LP Total Amountlp_amountTotal amount of liquidity provider tokens, only shown when type is "standard"
Fee Ratefee_rateTransaction fee rate.
Day VolumedayTrading data for last day.
(1)volume: The volume of transactions during this period.
(2)price_min: Minimum price during this period.
(3)price_max: Maximum price during this period.
Week VolumeweekTrading data for last week.
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.
Month VolumemonthTrading data for last month.
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.
Priceprice Current price (Unitless, count by two tokens in the pool).
Open Timeopen_timeThe epoch when trading is opened.
LP Holderslp_holdersList of top10 liquidity holders and their balances of the largest main token(SOL, USDC, USDT) liquidity pool.
(1)token_account: Address of the holder.
(2)tag: Tag information of the holder.
(3)balance: Amount of tokens held.
(4)percent: Percentage of total supply held.
(5)is_locked: If the holder is lokcer. If value is 1 it means liquidity of the holder has been locked.
(6)locked_detail is an array, that describes the lock position info of this holder, and only shows when "locked": 1. This Array may contain multiple objects for multiple locking info. In every object, "amount" describes the number of tokens locked, "end_time" describes when the token will be unlocked, and "opt_time" describes when the liquidity was locked.