Response Details

Security ItemsParameterDescriptionNotice
Method NamemethodIt describes the method name in ABI, for example, "transfer".
Parameter TypetypeIt describes the parameter type in ABI, for example, "address", "uint256", and "bool".
Parameter NamenameIt describes the parameter name in ABI, for example "_from", "_to", "_value".
Input DatainputIt describes the input data in ABI.
Address Infoaddress_infoIt describes the info about the address as a parameter.
The info includes: (1) "is_contract" describes whether the address is a contract. "1" means true; "0" means false.
(2) "contract_name" describes the contract name if the address is a contract.
(3) "standard" describes the standard type of the contract. Example:"erc20".
(4) "symbol" describes the token symbol if the address is an ERC20 contract.
(5) "name" describes the token name if the address is an ERC20 contract.
(6) "malicious_address" describes whether the address is a suspected malicious contract.
"1" means true;
"0" means that we have not found malicious behavior of this address.
When the address is not a contract ("is_contract"=0), "contract_name", "standard", "symbol", and "name" will return "null".
When the address is a contract but not an erc20 contract, "standard", "symbol", and "name" will return "null".
Contract Namecontract_nameThe name of the contract that the user is interacting with.
Contract Descriptioncontract_descriptionDescription of the contract.
Is Malicious Contractmalicious_contractIt tells if the contract that the user is interacting with is a malicious contract.
Signature Detailsignature_detailIt explains the function of the method.
Is Risky Signaturerisky_signatureIt tells if the transaction that users are signing contains risk.Even non-malicious, commonly used, well-known contracts can be highly risky if not used properly.
Risk DetailriskIt explains why the transaction that users are signing contains risk.Even non-malicious, commonly used, well-known contracts can be highly risky if not used properly.