Response Details

Token Approval Security API

Security ItemsParameterDescriptionNotice
Token Contracttoken_addressIt describes the token contract address which is approved.
Chainchain_idThe chain_id of the blockchain. "1" means Ethereum; "56" means BSC.
Token Nametoken_nametoken_name
Token Symboltoken_symboltoken_symbol
Token PrecisiondecimalsIt describes the token precision.
Token HoldingsbalanceIt describes the token balance of the address.The type of return value is string.
Open Sourceis_open_sourceIt describes whether this contract is open source.
"1" means true;
"0" means false.
Un-open-sourced contracts may hide various unknown mechanisms and are extremely risky. When the contract is not open source, we will not be able to detect other risk items.
Malicious Tokenmalicious_addressIt describes whether this token has performed malicious behaviors.
"1" means true;
"0" means false.
Malicious behaviors include random additions, blacklist abuse, falsified transactions, and other high-risk behaviors. Interacting with tokens flagged as Malicious may contain a high level of risk.
Specific Malicious Behaviormalicious_behavior:[]It describes specific malicious behaviors.
"honeypot_related_address" means that the address is related to honeypot tokens or has created scam tokens.
"phishing_activities" means that this address has implemented phishing activities.
"blackmail_activities" means that this address has implemented blackmail activities.
"stealing_attack" means that this address has implemented stealing attacks.
"fake_kyc" means that this address is involved in fake KYC.
"malicious_mining_activities" means that this address is involved in malicious mining activities.
"darkweb_transactions" means that this address is involved in darkweb transactions.
"cybercrime" means that this address is involved in cybercrime.
"money_laundering" means that this address is involved in money laundering.
"financial_crime" means that this address is involved in financial crime.
"blacklist_doubt" means that the address is suspected of malicious behavior and is therefore blacklisted.
"mixer" means this address is coin mixer address.
"sanctioned" means this address is sanctioned.
"gas_abuse" means this address is cheating other user's gas fee to mint other assets.
"reinit" means this address/contract has been deployed more than onces, and can be deployed again.
"fake_standard_interface" means this contract contains standard interfaces that do not conform the requirements of the standard protocol.
Returning an empty array means that no malicious behavior was found at that address.
Approved Contractapproved_contractIt describes the approved contract.
Initial Approval Timeinitial_approval_timeIt describes when is the first time owner approved allowance to the spender. The value is a timestamp.
Initial Approval Hashinitial_approval_hashIt describes the initially approved allowance hash of the contract.
Latest Approved Timeapproved_timeIt describes the latest allowance changing time of the contract. The value is a timestamp.
Latest Approved HashhashIt describes the latest allowance changing hash of the contract.
Approved Amountapproved_amountIt describes the approved amount of the contract.The type of return value is string.
Address Info"address_info": {"contract_name": , "tag": , "is_contract": , "is_open_source": , "trust_list": , "doubt_list": , "malicious_behavior":[], "creator_address": "", "deployed_time": ,}It describes the approved contract info. The info includes: (1) "contract_name" describes the approved contract name. (2) "tag" describes which dApp uses the contract. Example: "tag": "Compound". (3) "is_contract" describes whether the address is a contract. "1" means true; "0" means false. (4) "is_open_source" describes whether this contract is open source. "1" means true; "0" means false. (5) "trust_list" describes whether the address is a famous and trustworthy one. "1" means true; "0" means that we have not included this address in the trusted list. (6) "doubt_list" describes whether the address is a suspected malicious contract. "1" means true; "0" means that we have not found malicious behavior of this address. (7)"malicious_behavior" describes specific malicious behaviors. (8) "creator_address" describes the creator address of the contract. (9) "deployed_time" describes the deployed time of the contract. The value is presented as a timestamp.When the address is not a contract ("is_contract"=0), "contract_name", "creator_address", and "deployed_time" will return "null". When no malicious behavior was found at that address, "malicious_behavior" will return an empty array.

ERC721 NFT Approval Security API

Security ItemsParameterDescriptionNotice
Token Contractnft_addressIt describes the NFT contract address which is approved.
Chainchain_idThe chain_id of the blockchain. "1" means Ethereum; "56" means BSC.
NFT Namenft_nameNFT name
NFT Symbolnft_symbolNFT symbol
Open Sourceis_open_sourceIt describes whether this contract is open source.
"1" means true;
"0" means false.
Un-open-sourced contracts may hide various unknown mechanisms and are extremely risky. When the contract is not open source, we will not be able to detect other risk items.
The NFT verifiedis_verifiedIt describes whether the NFT is verified. "1" means that the NFT is verified; "0" means that we did not find any information about whether the NFT is verified.
Malicious NFTmalicious_addressIt describes whether this token has performed malicious behaviors. "1" means true;
"0" means false.
Malicious behaviors include random additions, blacklist abuse, falsified transactions, and other high-risk behaviors. Interacting with tokens flagged as Malicious may contain a high level of risk.
Specific Malicious Behaviormalicious_behavior:[]It describes specific malicious behaviors.
"honeypot_related_address" means that the address is related to honeypot tokens or has created scam tokens.
"phishing_activities" means that this address has implemented phishing activities.
"blackmail_activities" means that this address has implemented blackmail activities.
"stealing_attack" means that this address has implemented stealing attacks.
"fake_kyc" means that this address is involved in fake KYC.
"malicious_mining_activities" means that this address is involved in malicious mining activities.
"darkweb_transactions" means that this address is involved in dark web transactions.
"cybercrime" means that this address is involved in cybercrime.
"money_laundering" means that this address is involved in money laundering.
"financial_crime" means that this address is involved in financial crime.
"blacklist_doubt" means that the address is suspected of malicious behavior and is therefore blacklisted
Returning an empty array means that no malicious behavior was found at that address.
Approved Contractapproved_contractIt describes the approved contract.
Initial Approval Timeinitial_approval_timeIt describes when the first time owner approved allowance to the spender. The value is a timestamp.
Initial Approval Hashinitial_approval_hashIt describes the initially approved allowance hash of the contract.
Latest Approved Timeapproved_timeIt describes the latest allowance changing time of the contract. The value is a timestamp.
Latest Approved HashhashIt describes the latest allowance changing hash of the contract.
Approved Type(Approved for all /Approved for single NFT)approved_for_allIt describes the type approved. "1" means "approved for all"; "0" means "approved for single NFT".The type of return value is bool. Note: Only the ERC721 NFTs have the two types of approved for all /approved for single. The ERC1155 NFTs have only one type - approved for all.
The Token_id of Approved NFTapproved_token_idIt describes the token_id of the approved NFT if the approved type is "approved for single".When the approved type is "approved for all" ("approved_for_all"=1), it will return "null".
Address Info"address_info": {"contract_name": , "tag": , "is_contract": , "is_open_source": , "trust_list": , "doubt_list": , "malicious_behavior":[], "creator_address": "", "deployed_time": ,}It describes the approved contract info.
The info includes:
(1) "contract_name" describes the approved contract name.
(2) "tag" describes which dApp uses the contract.
Example: "tag": "Compound".
(3) "is_contract" describes whether the address is a contract.
"1" means true;
"0" means false.
(4) "is_open_source" describes whether this contract is open source.
"1" means true;
"0" means false.
(5) "trust_list" describes whether the address is a famous and trustworthy one.
"1" means true;
"0" means that we have not included this address in the trusted list.
(6) "doubt_list" describes whether the address is a suspected malicious contract.
"1" means true;
"0" means that we have not found malicious behavior of this address.
(7)"malicious_behavior" describes specific malicious behaviors.
(8) "creator_address" describes the creator address of the contract.
(9) "deployed_time" describes the deployed time of the contract.
The value is presented as a timestamp.
When the address is not a contract ("is_contract"=0), "contract_name", "creator_address", and "deployed_time" will return "null".

When no malicious behavior was found at that address, "malicious_behavior" will return an empty array.

ERC1155 NFT Approval Security API

Security ItemsParameterDescriptionNotice
Token Contractnft_addressIt describes the NFT contract address which is approved.
Chainchain_idThe chain_id of the blockchain. "1" means Ethereum; "56" means BSC.
NFT Namenft_nameNFT name
NFT Symbolnft_symbolNFT symbol
Open Sourceis_open_sourceIt describes whether this contract is open source. "1" means true;
"0" means false.
Un-open-sourced contracts may hide various unknown mechanisms and are extremely risky. When the contract is not open source, we will not be able to detect other risk items.
The NFT verifiedis_verifiedIt describes whether the NFT is verified.
"1" means that the NFT is verified;
"0" means that we did not find any information about whether the NFT is verified.
Malicious NFTmalicious_addressIt describes whether this token has performed malicious behaviors.
"1" means true;
"0" means false.
Malicious behaviors include random additions, blacklist abuse, falsified transactions, and other high-risk behaviors. Interacting with tokens flagged as Malicious may contain a high level of risk.
Specific Malicious Behaviormalicious_behavior:[]It describes specific malicious behaviors.
"honeypot_related_address" means that the address is related to honeypot tokens or has created scam tokens.
"phishing_activities" means that this address has implemented phishing activities.
"blackmail_activities" means that this address has implemented blackmail activities.
"stealing_attack" means that this address has implemented stealing attacks.
"fake_kyc" means that this address is involved in fake KYC.
"malicious_mining_activities" means that this address is involved in malicious mining activities.
"darkweb_transactions" means that this address is involved in dark web transactions.
"cybercrime" means that this address is involved in cybercrime.
"money_laundering" means that this address is involved in money laundering.
"financial_crime" means that this address is involved in financial crime.
"blacklist_doubt" means that the address is suspected of malicious behavior and is therefore blacklisted
Returning an empty array means that no malicious behavior was found at that address.
Approved Contractapproved_contractIt describes the approved contract.
Initial Approval Timeinitial_approval_timeIt describes when the first time owner approved allowance to the spender. The value is a timestamp.
Initial Approval Hashinitial_approval_hashIt describes the initially approved allowance hash of the contract.
Latest Approved Timeapproved_timeIt describes the latest allowance changing time of the contract. The value is a timestamp.
Latest Approved HashhashIt describes the latest allowance changing hash of the contract.
Address Info"address_info": {"contract_name": , "tag": , "is_contract": , "is_open_source": , "trust_list": , "doubt_list": , "malicious_behavior":[], "creator_address": "", "deployed_time": ,}It describes the approved contract info.
The info includes:
(1) "contract_name" describes the approved contract name.
(2) "tag" describes which dApp uses the contract.
Example: "tag": "Compound".
(3) "is_contract" describes whether the address is a contract.
"1" means true;
"0" means false.
(4) "is_open_source" describes whether this contract is open source.
"1" means true;
"0" means false.
(5) "trust_list" describes whether the address is a famous and trustworthy one.
"1" means true;
"0" means that we have not included this address in the trusted list.
(6) "doubt_list" describes whether the address is a suspected malicious contract.
"1" means true;
"0" means that we have not found malicious behavior of this address.
(7)"malicious_behavior" describes specific malicious behaviors.
(8) "creator_address" describes the creator address of the contract.
(9) "deployed_time" describes the deployed time of the contract.
The value is presented as a timestamp.
When the address is not a contract ("is_contract"=0), "contract_name", "creator_address", and "deployed_time" will return "null".

When no malicious behavior was found at that address, "malicious_behavior" will return an empty array.