Response Detail

Basic Info

NamenameContains the metadata information of the token.
(1)description: Description of the token.
(2)name: Name of the token.
(3)symbol: Symbol of the token.
(4)uri: URI pointing to related token information.
SymbolsymbolSymbol of the token.
DecimalsdecimalsDecimals of the token.
CreatorcreatorCreator of the token.
Total Supplytotal_supplyTotal supply of the token.
Trusted Tokentrusted_tokenIf the token is a famous and trustworthy one. "1" means yes.This field is intended to identify well-known and reputable tokens. Trusted tokens with special functions (such as the mintable function in USDC) are generally not considered risk items. Please note that a value other than “1” does not indicate that the token is untrustworthy. We recommend properly evaluating and handling tokens with values other than “1” to avoid unnecessary disputes.

Token Functions and Risks

Metadata Modifibalemetadata_modifiableWhether the metadata is mutable.
(1)value: Status indicator. "1" and "2" means the function is available. "0" means the function is unavailable
(2)cap_owner: The owner cap of the function.
This field can have three possible values:
A. A specific address indicates the address that can currently operate this function.
B.Shared means any address can operate this function.
C.Immutable means this function can no longer be invoked.
D. Multiple means more than one address can operate this function.
MintablemintableWhether the token is mintable.
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.
BlacklistblacklistWhether the developer can block any other users from trading.
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.
Contract Upgradeablecontract_upgradeableWhetherthe token contract upgradebale. If the contract is upgradable, developers can arbitrarily modify its functions.
This field follows the same rules as the other similar fields.