Response Details

Security ItemsParameterDescriptionNotice
NFT Namenft_name
NFT Symbolnft_symbol
NFT Descriptionnft_descriptionIt describes the introduction of the NFT.
Return “null” means there is no description of the NFT.
NFT ERCnft_ercIt describes the ERC protocol of the NFT.
Example: "nft_erc": "erc721"
Creator Addresscreator_addressIt describes the creator's address of the NFT.
Return “null” means that we didn't find the creator's address.
The number of blocks createdcreate_block_numberIt describes the number of blocks created for the NFT.
Return “null” means that we didn't find the number of blocks created for the NFT.
Website URLwebsite_urlIt describes the website URL of the NFT.
Return “null” means there is no website URL or didn't find the website URL.
Discord URLdiscord_urlIt describes the discord URL of the NFT.
Return “null” means there is no discord URL or didn't find the discord URL.
Github URLgithub_urlIt describes the GitHub URL of the NFT.
Return “null” means there is no GitHub URL or didn't find the GitHub URL.
Twitter URLtwitter_urlIt describes the Twitter URL of the NFT.
Return “null” means there is no Twitter URL or didn't find the Twitter URL.
Medium URLmedium_urlIt describes the medium URL of the NFT.
Return “null” means there is no medium URL or didn't find the medium URL.
Telegram URLtelegram_urlIt describes the telegram URL of the NFT.
Return “null” means there is no telegram URL or didn't find the telegram URL.
NFT Itemsnft_itemsIt describes the numbers of the NFT.
NFT Holdersnft_owner_numberIt describes the holders of the NFT.
The average price in 24haverage_price_24hIt describes the average price of the NFT in 24h.
The lowest price in 24hlowest_price_24hIt describes the lowest price of the NFT in 24h.
The sales in 24hsales_24hIt describes the sales of the NFT in 24h.
The trading volume in 24htraded_volume_24hIt describes the trading volume of the NFT in 24h.
The total volumetotal_volumeIt describes the total volume of the NFT.
The highest pricehighest_priceIt describes the highest price of the NFT.
The NFT is verifiednft_verifiedIt describes whether the NFT is verified.
"1" means that the NFT is verified;
"0" means that we did not find any information about whether the NFT is verified.
The info of duplicate name NFTssame_nftsIt describes the info of other NFTs with duplicate names and symbols.
The info includes:
(1) "nft_name" describes the name of the NFT;
(2) "nft_symbol" describes the symbol of the NFT;
(3) “nft_address” describes the address of the NFTs;
(4) “nft_owner_number” describes the holders of the NFT;
(5) “create_block_number” describes the number of blocks created for the NFT.
Return "null" means no NFTs with duplicate names and symbols.
Trust Listtrust_listIt describes whether the NFT is a famous and trustworthy one.
"1" means true;
Return "null" means no result.
(1) Only "trust_list": "1" means it is a famous and trustworthy NFT.
(2) Return "null" doesn't mean it is risky.
Malicious NFTmalicious_nft_contractIt describes whether this NFT has performed malicious behaviors.
"1" means true;
"0" means false.
Malicious behaviors include random additions, blacklist abuse, falsified transactions, and other high-risk behaviors. Interacting with NFTs flagged as Malicious may contain a high level of risk.
Open Sourcenft_open_sourceIt describes whether this contract is open source.
"1" means true;
"0" means false.
Un-open-sourced contracts may hide various unknown mechanisms and are extremely risky. When the contract is not open source, we will not be able to detect other risk items.
NFT Contract is Proxynft_proxyIt describes whether this NFT contract has a proxy contract.
"1" means true;
"0" means false;
"Null" means unknown.
(1) When "is_open_source": "0", it will return "null".
(2) Most Proxy contracts are accompanied by modifiable implementation contracts, and implementation contracts may contain significant potential risk.
Metadata is frozenmetadata_frozenIt describes whether the metadata of this NFT is stored in IPFS, AR, generated by contract, or another decentralized way.
"1" means true;
"0" means false;
"Null" means unknown.
When "is_open_source": "0", it will return "null".
Can burn others NFTprivileged_burnIt describes whether the NFT owner can burn others' NFT.
The "value" describes the status of the risk.
null: the contract is not open source or there is a proxy, it is not possible to detect whether the risk exists. -1: the risk is detected but the ownership gives up. If the detection of a code vulnerability, it can also be considered risk-free.
0: the risk is not detected.
1: the risk is detected, and the owner's address is a common address (EOA), then it can be said that there is a clear risk.
2: The risk is detected, but the owner's address is a contract address, the risk is not significant.
3: The risk is detected, but the owner's address is not detectable / or an array.

Owner_address describes the owner's address.
null: the owner's address cannot be fetched.

"blackhole": the owner is a blackhole address.
"contract": the owner is a contract.
"eoa": the owner is a common address (eoa).
"multi-address": the owner is an array/list.
null: the address is not detected.
Privileged_burn means that the owner can burn others' NFTs directly through the method.
Can transfer NFT without approval (sleep mint)transfer_without_approvalIt describes whether the NFT owner can transfer NFT without approval.
Other contents are the same as above.
Transfer_without_approval generally means the scammer does not need to get approvals to transfer another address's NFT.
One typical example is sleep_minting. Sleep_minting means that the scammer will first add the NFT to a well-known wallet address and then retrieve the NFT. After the value of the NFT has appreciated, it will be put back on the market.
Privileged Mintingprivileged_mintingIt describes whether the NFT contract has minting methods which can only be triggered by an address with special privileges.
Other contents are the same as above.
Some minting methods can only be triggered by an address with special privileges. Generally speaking, these are usually for the owner to mint.
Selfdestructself_destructIt describes whether this NFT contract can self-destruct.
Other contents are the same as above.
When the self-destruct function is triggered, this contract will be destroyed, all functions will be unavailable, and all related assets will be erased.
Approval Restrictionrestricted_approvalIt describes whether the NFT contract can restrict the approval, resulting in NFT can not be traded on the NFT DEX.
"1" means true;
"0" means false;
"Null" means unknown.
If this risk exists, it means that users will not be able to trade the NFT on the exchange and only privileged users in the whitelist will be able to trade normally.
Oversupply Mintingoversupply_mintingIt describes whether this NFT owner can bypass the maximum amount of minting specified in the contract, and continue to mint NFTs beyond this limit.
"1" means true;
"0" means false;
"Null" means unknown.
Oversupply minting refers to the existence of a special mint method in the NFT contract — the owner can bypass the maximum amount of minting specified in the contract, and continue to mint NFTs beyond this limit.